"I'm totally transformed in my being, in my heart and I really love being here on Earth, doing your work - Thank you so, so, so much!""

Charlote Roost
Copenhagen, Denmark

This first meditation is the beginning of beautiful and powerful adventure of awakening, of self empowerment, of remembrance, of the joy sparked by the visceral understanding of our true place within this universe, how this reality works and what life is truly all about.  "Your life, Your Dream" is design to take you to your unlimited, natural state of being, what we are aiming for and what this awakening is truly all about. TIME TO PLAY!

Make sure to use a GOOD set of headphones. The transmissions are packed with the latest audio technologies which are mostly on the lower, audio frequency spectrum. Find a comfortable position, relax and WELCOME TO THE MAGIC OF LIFE!


To download the file to your computer, right-click the link and select "Save Link As".

MP3 Audio - "Your Life, Your Dream"